Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its ok....

Well this is my first blog.

I am not sure how I feel about it yet.... I sometimes feel like I need to say things, because talking and writing is a good way to let what your holding in, Out. But I am sitting here worried about, what if someone reads this and I hurt there feelings? What if someone I am talking about finds this, and takes it very personal.

Well the truth is, My feelings are mine. I cannot say they are right or wrong, I won't apoligize for them either. Me learning how to deal with and cope is not something I need to say sorry for.

I am not doing this for anyone but myself. I am not looking for sympathy, I am soul searching. And for me that is a huge step. I have spent most my life living in fear of others. And now I am taking my life back. I welcome any suggestions or comments. And no matter what honesty is a plus.

Will write more soon...